How to Do a Forearm Plank for Beginners

How to Do a Forearm Plank for Beginners

Some fitness trends burn hot for a while and then go cold, which is why it’s helpful to focus on foundational, tried-and-true exercises that give you reliable fitness results. The forearm plank is one that will always have a place because it targets many muscle groups...
How to Do a Wall Sit the Right Way

How to Do a Wall Sit the Right Way

Most of us have done a wall sit at some point in our lives. (Does high-school gym class ring a bell?) You put your back against a wall, sit down, and then try to stay there. And while you almost certainly know the isometric exercise can make your legs quake, you may...
7 of the Best Core Exercises for Beginners

7 of the Best Core Exercises for Beginners

If you’re new to exercising, you might be wondering where to begin. A good place to start is with your core, since it’s at the center of everything you do. That’s why integrating some of the following core exercises for beginners can help you not only reach your...