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Molly Knudsen, M.S., RDN

Registered Dietitian Nutritionist

By Molly Knudsen, M.S., RDN

Registered Dietitian Nutritionist

Molly Knudsen, M.S., RDN is a Registered Dietician Nutritionist with a bachelor’s degree in nutrition from Texas Christian University and a master’s in nutrition interventions, communication, and behavior change from Tufts University. She lives in Newport Beach, California, and enjoys connecting people to the food they eat and how it influences health and wellbeing.

June 29, 2024

Weight loss requires a slew of efforts to be successful, including focusing on your diet (yes, that means eating more protein and fiber) and incorporating strength training to build muscle and support your metabolism. 

But if you feel like you’re doing everything right and not seeing the results you want—or the results that match your efforts—it may be time to add in a targeted supplement. And people are loving metabolism+ for an added boost. 

Meet metabolism+ 

If you’re skeptical of a supplement claiming to offer quick, effortless weight loss, you should be. And that’s not how metabolism+ works. 

Instead, metabolism+ works best alongside healthy habits by providing four clinically studied ingredients that address metabolic health from multiple angles.* 

  • Cayenne pepper extract: This extract fires up your metabolism and fat burn. This is ideal because it helps promote a healthy body composition (i.e., losing fat while maintaining muscle). It also helps curb cravings, which is a powerful way to help control your total calorie intake.*
  • Veld grape: This ingredient plays an important role in how the body uses and stores energy. Not only does it support a healthy body weight, but it also supports healthy cholesterol levels (an important marker of your overall metabolic health).*
  • Caffeine: metabolism+ also includes 130 milligrams of caffeine from green tea leaves. Research shows that caffeine helps calorie and fat burn (and can even inhibit fat storage. Oh, and reviewers appreciate the slight (not jittery) energy boost from this caffeine.*
  • EGCG: This green tea antioxidant further supports healthy calorie burn and satiety (so you actually feel full after eating a meal or snack).*

People are noticing real results from making metabolism+ a consistent part of their routine. 

I’ve lost 8 pounds in three months

“I’ve been on this for over three months with a steady seven or eight pounds lost. I’m glad I decided to give it a try. I feel like I’m on a healthier path now!”*

–Joan B.

Great product!

“I have been taking this product for months, and I have more energy and have lost a few pounds. It has stifled my want for sweets and [helps] control my appetite.”*

–Cheryl S. 

Just excellent

“I hope everyone remembers it is good to go slow, burning off the weight while strength training and walking. This formula gives me energy in a great healthy way and allows me to retain muscle (with mbg creatine+ added) and not have hanging skin or stretch marks from too rapid weight loss. between managing menopause and everything else, this DUO has had and will continue to have a tremendous impact on me in a healthy and healing way.”* 

–June A.

It’s helping with my cholesterol

“My cholesterol levels have dropped 60 points after taking metabolism+ for three months. It dropped 30 points in the first 6 weeks and 30 points in the second 6 weeks. My doctor ordered the test for me, so this was done through a lab professionally. This stuff really works! My weight has been easier to maintain as well!”*

–Deborah P. 

Loving the energy and weight support 

“I’m very aware that weight loss requires a combination of efforts, but let me tell you metabolism+ has me feeling less hungry, more energetic, AND losing weight. mindbodygreen nails it again.”*

–Lise C.

The pounds are coming off

“I am so pleased with how much this product curbs your cravings. It truly works and the pounds are coming off.”*

–Laura W. 

The takeaway

Nothing can replace eating well, moving often, and sleeping soundly when it comes to improving your metabolic health, but the right, targeted supplement (like metabolism+) can certainly give you an edge. 

If you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or taking medications, consult with your doctor before starting a supplement routine. It is always optimal to consult with a health care provider when considering what supplements are right for you.